HomeBooks16 Weird & Unique Super Powers That'll Make You Say WTF!

16 Weird & Unique Super Powers That’ll Make You Say WTF!

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In the sprawling universe of comic book heroes and villains, unique super powers emerge as the defining traits of countless characters, emboldening them with abilities ranging from the awe-inspiring to the mind-boggling. Amidst the more common showcases of strength, speed, and psychic prowess, there exists a niche of individuals possessing powers that defy conventional categorization. These unique abilities underscore the limitless creativity within the comic book world, offering a refreshing departure from the norm and presenting characters with powers that are as distinctive as they are memorable.

Take, for example, the likes of Codpiece, whose arsenal-equipped codpiece propels him into battles with an unprecedented edge, and Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, capable of transforming into any animal, vegetable, or mineral at will. These characters exemplify the variety and sheer creativity behind weird super powers in comic books, demonstrating that heroism and villainy can come in the most unexpected forms.

This compilation of characters, each bearing their own strange talents, was carefully curated by comic book experts. Their deep dive into the annals of comic history brings to light the vast array of unique super powers, celebrating the imaginative spirit that continues to fuel the ever-evolving comic book universe. Here’s a list of some weird and unique super powers found in comic books — some are comical, some seem utterly useless, and some will leave you asking WTF?

Emits Women-Seducing Pheromones

cool super powers

Who: Mandrill
First Appearance: Shanna the She-Devil #4 (Marvel June 1973)

Mandrill’s powers may be all well and good in the dating world, but when it comes to using them to coerce and enslave women to do his evil bidding, well then that’s just plain creepy. He’s said to release pheromones at a rate several thousand times that of a normal human and within a 250 foot radius. Using his admirers to build powerful all-female anti-government groups, such as Black Spectre and Fem-Force, Mandrill proves that seduction can be a truly powerful weapon.

Using a Suit With a Codpiece Weapon System


Who: Codpiece
First Appearance: Doom Patrol Vol 2 #70 (September 1993)

Sometimes, comic books dive deep into the pool of bizarre, surfacing with characters like Codpiece. Known for his, let’s say, unique choice of weapon, Codpiece made his unforgettable entrance in Doom Patrol #70, back in 1993. The character, driven by insecurity and a misunderstood interpretation of rejection where he believes a girl is making fun of the size of his small penis, resorts to constructing a multifunctional codpiece. This peculiar apparatus is equipped with an array of weapons and gadgets, including but not limited to cannons, missile launchers, and even a boxing glove. His ludicrous approach to villainy and oddball gadgetry make Codpiece a standout in the realm of comic book antagonists, reflecting Doom Patrol’s penchant for exploring themes of identity and societal acceptance through an unapologetically absurd lens.

The Ability to Generate Seismic Waves Equal to Her Blood Alcohol Content

cool super powers

Who: Gin Genie (Beckah Parker)
First Appearance: X-Force #116 (Marvel May 2001)

Gin Genie’s powers were both a blessing and a curse — the more alcohol in her system, the more powerful she’d become (yet, not to mention unstable and unpredictable). It was an absurd yet inventive ability, but overall it was a recipe for trouble. There’s no time for blackouts Categoriesand drunken antics when there’s evil to be defeated.

The Ability to Change The Color Of Objects

Color Kid

Who: Color Kid (Ulu Vakk)
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #342 (March 1966)

Amid the vast spectrum of superhero abilities, Color Kid shines with a power that’s as unusual as it is colorful. Hailing from the whimsical side of the DC Universe, Ulu Vakk made his debut in Adventure Comics #342 in 1966, quickly capturing the imagination of readers with his ability to change the color of any object at will. Initially dismissed as frivolous, his power has proven to be surprisingly versatile, from disrupting enemies’ vision to camouflaging allies. A member of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, Color Kid has turned what could easily be seen as a limited ability into an asset, demonstrating that even the most seemingly inconsequential powers can have significant utility in the creative hands of superhero storytelling.

The Power to Translate All Languages

strange super powers

Who: Cypher
First Appearance: New Mutants #13 (Marvel March 1984)

Cypher’s ability doesn’t so much raise the question “WTF?” as it does “What’s the point?” Don’t get me wrong, language translation is an amazing and quite enviable skill in the job world, but out on the battlefield facing dangerous foes, who would really want him as backup? His powers could certainly come in handy behind the scenes, but he’s definitely not going to be any superhero team’s greatest asset.

The Power to Turn Paper Thin

Strange super powers

Who: Tommy (Morlock)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #210

The ill-fated Morlock, Tommy, had the power to make herself as flat as a piece of paper. A cool party trick, no doubt, but what could it really be useful for? Besides slipping into closed doors and hiding in a paper factory, not much else comes to mind. The use of Tommy’s ability sure looked cool but it did little to prevent her death at the hands of the Marauders.

Turns Any Body Part into an Animal, Mineral, or Vegetable

awesome super powers

Who: Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man
First Appearance:  Doom Patrol Vol 1 #89 (DC Comics August 1964)

An all too literal power for an all too literal superhero. Animal Vegetable Mineral Man’s torso and limbs have the capability to transform into one of three options, even all at once if he so desires. Unlike many others on this list, this power could actually do some good in battle, but this is no doubt one of the more excessive, not to mention ridiculous looking powers out there. He also appeared in Batman: The Brave & The Bold.

Having Perfect Hindsight…But It’s Useless

Hindsight lad cover

Who: Hindsight Lad (Carlton LaFroyge)
First Appearance:  New Warriors Annual #3 (March 1993)

In the realm of superheroes, not all powers come with grandeur, as demonstrated by the intriguing Hindsight Lad. Making his debut in New Warriors #4 in 1990, Carlton LaFroyge stumbled upon the secret identity of a teammate and leveraged this knowledge to secure a spot on the team. Known for his not-so-super ability to analyze past events with perfect clarity, Hindsight Lad‘s power is, essentially, the uncanny knack of pointing out what could have been done better after the fact. Despite lacking traditional superhero abilities, his keen insight into past events adds a strategic depth to the team, often aiding in the aftermath of battles and planning future endeavors. Hindsight Lad embodies the everyday human trait of retrospection, turning it into a unique if not action-packed, contribution to his team’s dynamics.

Communicates With Squirrels and Has Squirrel-like Abilities

Squirrel Girl

Who: Squirrel Girl
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes Vol. 2 #8 (Marvel January 1992)

The ability to communicate with animals certainly could come in handy, although, the ability to communicate with squirrels? Really? Were all the other good animals taken? Squirrel Girl can not only communicate with one of the biggest nuisances of the animal world, but she also does one heck of a job imitating them as well. With sharp claws, enhanced agility, and an inhumanly strong set of chompers, Squirrel Girl brought a real playfulness to the Marvel Universe.

The Ability to Become Obese…and Then Skinny Again

weird superpowers

Who: Big Bertha
First Appearance: West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #46 (Marvel July 1989)

Big Bertha doesn’t just gain weight at will — her weight gain actually makes her a stronger, more formidable opponent. Although instant weight gain is a bit of a “wtf” power in itself, it’s one that turns out to be pretty useful (earning her a spot on the Great Lakes Avengers). It’s how Big Bertha returns to her natural state, however, that’s the clincher. Big Bertha also has the power to purge (gross) the majority of her body fat to instantly become skinny once again.

Has A Body Full of Demons

Master Pandeomonium

Who: Master Pandemonium
First Appearance: West Coast Avengers #4 (Marvel January 1986)

There are two separate facets to Master Pandemonium’s demonic super powers. First, simply put, his body is a vessel full of demons. Second, his limbs are detachable and can each be turned into separate demon entities. Basically, Master Pandemonium is his own one-man horror house. Having a horde of demons at your disposal would certainly make for a powerful villain, but all in all, it sounds pretty inconvenient.

Super Ventriloquism

Who: Superman
First Appearance: Action Comics #1 (DC Comics April 1938)

Throughout the years this mighty superhero has had an almost endless array of strange powers, and one of the most notable is his ability to perform super ventriloquism. Super ventriloquism isn’t necessary so terrible in itself — it could be beneficial in many situations — but when you have a superpower that sounds so corny, there’s absolutely no need to spell it out every time you use it.

The Ability to Eat Any Kind of Matter

Super powers

Who: Matter-Eater
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #303 (December 1962)

If a villain has you locked up or bound in chains, you’re definitely going to wish you had the weird superpower of Matter-Eater Lad. The ability to consume any type of matter — apparently without debilitating indigestion or copious amounts of weight gain — is both unique and unsightly.

The Ability to Detach Limbs At Will

Arm-Fall-Off Boy

Who: Arm-Fall-Off-Boy
First Appearance: Secret Origins (Volume 2) #46 (1989)

In the endlessly creative cosmos of comic book lore, Floyd Belkin, better known as Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, carves out a peculiar niche for himself. Making his debut in 1989 within the colorful pages of Secret Origins Vol. 2, #46, Floyd caught the eye of readers with his bizarre talent: the ability to detach his limbs at will. But it’s not just the oddity of his powers that make Floyd stand out; it’s his resourcefulness in using his dismembered arms as weapons, turning what could be seen as a drawback into a uniquely effective offensive strategy. Known for his endeavors to become a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Floyd, aka Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, serves as a testament to the playful, sometimes absurd possibilities within the DC Universe, reminding fans to embrace the lighter side of superhero storytelling.

Welding Dead Dogs To Criminals


Who: Dogwelder
First Appearance: Hitman #18 – Ace of Killers, Part Four

In the darkly humorous and often bizarre recesses of comic book universe, Dogwelder stands out as a particularly eccentric figure. A member of the unconventional superhero team Section Eight, Dogwelder first appeared in 1997 within the pages of Hitman #18. His real identity shrouded in mystery, this silent vigilante wields a welding torch not for metalwork, but to weld deceased dogs onto the faces of his foes. Yes, you read that correctly. Dogwelder‘s modus operandi is as disturbing as it is bewildering, making him a distinctly memorable character in the realm of superhero comics. His sheer unpredictability and the grim nature of his “powers” showcase the darker, more twisted humor that exists on the fringes of the genre.

Using Telescopic Metal Legs

stilt man

Who: Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day)
First Appearance: Daredevil #8 (April, 1965)

Striding high above the streets of Marvel’s comic book universe, Stilt-Man towers as one of the more uniquely equipped villains. First stepping onto the scene in 1965 with Daredevil #8, Wilbur Day adopted the alias of Stilt-Man, leveraging his engineering prowess to craft telescopic legs capable of extending to great heights. This towering tech enables him not just to commit crimes from a literal elevated position but also offers strategic advantages over his superhero foes, with Daredevil being a frequent adversary. While the idea of a villain on stilts might tickle the funny bone, Stilt-Man has proven himself to be a genuinely challenging opponent, utilizing his signature stilts for both mobility and as formidable tools in his criminal endeavors, making him a memorable character in the Spider-Man and Daredevil series.

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Bobby Bernstein
Bobby is the Co-Owner of Nerd Much?. He's the former Games Editor and current Shopping Editor at Heavy.com, former Editor in Chief of Den of Geek, and former bylines at HiConsumption, Slickdeals, Gamedeveloper.com, and more! He is also on Opencritic. He has been writing about nerdy stuff on the web for over 10 years. The best way to reach him is on Twitter.

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